Page 211 - laser-Art
P. 211

       Harold and Pearl J.Jrock

           were 11ro11d owners of
      Prock's Northside Store

       localed al /-Jewell Street and
      Black River Road.  There were                                                                                             t
        fiue childre11  i11  the family,

       three of which had disabilities

           t/1a/ required lhl' 11s1' of


             The  Prock Family Park pro11dly rc11w111/11'rs  th·

                                     fu11 loving and faith livi11:,: indi,

             Prock's Northside Store that stood 011  this 11arcc/ of land ojfereil
               grocery items, fresh  meats and Dolly Madison dairy prod  t

                                 Neillsville community and surrounding area.

         Prock's was open for business
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