Page 246 - Metal=Art-Product-Photos
P. 246

~  ~----,  ;::::::_._c_
                                                                                    Thyme  for  each  other  W
                                                                     Thyme  for  frien.ds
                                                                                               'Thyme  £or  f:ami\y  W
                                                                                                  AL~  A  YS  PLANT  THY  .1V1.E
                                                                                       Let.t.uce  \ave  one  ~
                                                                                    Let.t.uce  be  fait.hful  ~
                                                                   Let.t.uce  be  kind
                                                                                                 Let.t.-uce  be  patient.  ~
                                                                                                   NO~  PLANT  LETTUCE
                                                                                                    Sq-uash  indifference  ..  Squash  selfishness
                                                                                                 Sq-uash  gossip  ..  Squash  grumbling
                                                                                                     --r~EN  PLANT  soUASH
                                                                                    Peace  of  soul  ,__
                                                                                                  Peace  of  mind  ,__  Peace  of  heart:
                                                                                                   F1.RST  PLANT  PEAS
                                                                                                        GARDEN  RULES
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